Pro-Shed's Display Lots

Come visit one of Pro-Shed’s display lots! We have lots of them in different towns where we serve. Each lot usually has between 5 to 15 sheds in different styles and options for you to see. The sheds are unlocked, so you can open the doors and explore the inside whenever you want. Don’t forget to visit the information shed—it has special brochures, our latest catalog, and more details about how you can customize your shed. If you find a shed you like, be sure to write down the serial number, which you can find above the main door, so you have it when you contact us.

Call us at 507-427-2002.

We’re open 24/7 at All our unmanned Lots!!
Call us at 507-427-2002.

Pro-Shed display lot 1 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed display lot 3 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed display lot 5 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed Buildings (Home Lot)

Pro-Shed Display lot 8 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed Display lot 10 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed display lot 2 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed display lot 4 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed display lot 6 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed Display lot 7 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed Display lot 9 (unmanned)

Pro-Shed Display lot 11 (unmanned)

Contact Us

We will answer any question you have, and will serve you with honesty and integrity.

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